
DUI Suspect Held After 3-Car Crash

A Pacoima man was in Ventura County Jail on Monday on suspicion of driving drunk and causing a three-car accident in Moorpark on Sunday night that injured four other people.

Martin Bravo, 25, was slightly injured in the accident that occurred about 9:20 p.m. at New Los Angeles and Flory avenues, a sheriff’s spokesman said.

Bravo, driving a station wagon, drifted into oncoming traffic and collided head-on with a car driven by 18-year-old Steve Cortes of Moorpark. The impact pushed Cortes’ car into a van driven by Consuelo Rios.


Cortes suffered a fractured pelvis and internal injuries. He was in Simi Valley Hospital’s intensive care unit in stable condition Monday, hospital officials said. Rios and two of her passengers were treated for minor injuries and released.

Bravo was treated for his injuries and then booked into County Jail, where he is awaiting arraignment on charges of driving under the influence of drugs and alcohol and causing an injury accident, a jail spokeswoman said.

His bail is set at $25,000.
