
Use of Digital Insight’s Online Banking Surges

Digital Insight of Camarillo says the number of households using its AXIS home banking system has doubled in the past four months.

The company says 27,000 households are now banking via the Internet’s World Wide Web using AXIS.

Forrester Research of Cambridge, Mass., forecasts that 390,000 households will be using the Internet for online banking by the end of the year, with the number jumping to 2.91 million households by the end of 1999.


“The number of account holders using our home banking system demonstrates that we deliver what the consumer wants,” said Paul Fiore, president and CEO of Digital Insight.

The AXIS system provides real-time account access, stock quotes, bill payment and auto buying services, and it interfaces with Quicken and Money ’97 as well as custom application forms.

Digital Insight says more than 70 financial institutions have committed to providing the system to its customers.


Along with Internet home banking services, Digital Insight provides Web site creation and maintenance and server hosting facilities for more than 145 financial institutions.
