


Anaheim Stadium will look a lot different to fans this season, as the two-year renovation project to rebuild the stadium for baseball-only use moves along. Here’s a look at the Angels’ upcoming season.


Terrace Box: $9

Field Box: $12

Field MVP: $14.50

Lower view: $8

Upper view: $7

Diamond Club (Sold on season ticket basis)

Club Concourse (Sold on season ticket basis)

Terrace MVP: $11


Advance ticket purchases: Gate No. 1; Monday through Saturday, 9 a.m.-5:30 p.m; advance ticket windows on field level behind home plate are open during games

Telephone orders: To charge tickets call (714) 663-9000; Ticketmaster (714) 740-2000 or (213) 480-3232; 9 a.m.-9 p.m., Monday through Saturday; 9 a.m.-5 p.m., Sunday. MasterCard, VISA, American Express and Discover. Tickets ordered 10 days prior to game will be mailed. Late orders can be picked up at Will Call window at Gate 1. Ticketmaster outlets also available at Ritmo Latino, Tower Records, Music Plus and Robinsons/May (cash only or Robinsons/May credit card).


Mail order: Must be received at least seven days before the game. Add $4 per order for postage and handling. VISA, MasterCard, American Express or Discover. Mail to: Angels Tickets, P.O. Box 2000, Anaheim, 92803.

Handicapped seating: Wheelchair areas are available on the Terrace level and on Field level behind home plate. To order call (714) 634-2000 or inquire at Gate 1 at the stadium.

Smoking policy: City ordinance prohibits smoking in seating areas. Smoking permitted in the concourse areas only.



April 2 vs. Red Sox, Fireworks, baseballs (post-game distribution)

April 5 vs. Indians, Magnetic schedule (post-game distribution)

April 6 vs. Indians, Jackie Robinson tribute

April 25 vs. Tigers, Jersey T-shirt (pre-game distribution)

April 27 vs. Tigers, Photo Day (pre-game event)

May 17 vs. Brewers, Cap night (pre-game distribution)

May 18 vs. Brewers, Commemorative lapel pin (pre-game distribution)

June 20 vs. A’s, Sports mug (post-game distribution)

July 4 vs. Mariners, Fireworks (post-game event)

July 19 vs. Blue Jays, Bat & ball set (post-game distribution)

Aug. 3 vs. White Sox, Trading cards (post-game distribution)

Aug. 18 vs Orioles, Mouse pad (post-game distribution)

Aug. 28 vs. Padres, Team poster (post-game distribution)

* Every Sunday: pop fly contest and autographs (pre-game events) and commemorative sheet series (post-game distribution)


Starting Rotation: Mark Langston, Jason Dickson, Allen Watson, Mark Gubicza, Shigetoshi Hasegawa

Bullpen: Troy Percival, Chuck McElroy, Dennis Springer, Mike James, Pep Harris, Mike Holtz.


Catchers: Jim Leyritz, Jorge Fabregas.

Infielders: Luis Alicea, Gary DiSarcina, Dave Hollins, Randy Velarde, Darin Erstad, Jack Howell, Eddie Murray, Craig Grebeck.

Outielders: Orlando Palmeiro, Tim Salmon, Garret Anderson, Jim Edmonds.

Note: Angels will announce final roster today.



2 Boston 7:35

3 Boston 7:05

4 Cleveland 7:05

5 Cleveland 7:05

6 Cleveland 5:05 ESPN

7 New York 7:05 9

8 New York 7:05 FSW

9 New York 7:05 9

11 at Cleveland 10:05

12 at Cleveland 10:05

13 at Cleveland 10:05

14 At New York 4:35

15 At New York 4:35

16 at Minnesota 5:05

17 at Minnesota 10:15

19 at Kansas City 11:05 9

20 at Kansas City 11:05

21 Toronto 7:05

22 Toronto 7:05

23 Toronto 7:35

25 Detroit 7:05 FSW

26 Detroit 7:05 FSW

27 Detroit 1:05

29 at Boston 3:05

30 at Boston 3:05


1 at Boston 3:05

2 at Chicago 5:05 9

3 at Chicago 4:05 9

4 at Chicago 11:05 9

5 at Baltimore 4:35

6 at Baltimore 4:35

7 at Baltimore 4:35

9 at Milwaukee 5:05

10 at Milwaukee 11:05

11 at Milwaukee 11:05

12 Chicago 7:05

13 Chicago 7:05 FSW

14 Baltimore 7:35 ESPN

15 Baltimore 7:05

16 Milwaukee 7:05 FSW

17 Milwaukee 7:05

18 Milwaukee 1:05 FSW

19 Seattle 7:05 FSW

20 Seattle 7:05 9

21 Seattle 7:35

23 at Toronto 4:35 9

24 at Toronto 10:05 9

25 at Toronto 10:05 9

26 at Detroit 10:05 9

27 at Detroit 4:05

28 at Oakland 7:35

29 at Oakland 12:15 9

30 Minnesota 7:05 FSW

31 Minnesota 7:05 FSW


1 Minnesota 1:05

3 Kansas City 7:05 FSW

4 Kansas City 7:05

5 at Minnesota 5:05 9

6 at Minnesota 5:05

7 at Minnesota 5:05 9

8 at Minnesota 11:05 9

9 at Kansas City 5:05 9

10 at Kansas City 5:05 9

11 at Kansas City 11:05

12 Padres 7:05 9

13 Padres 7:05 FSW

14 Giants 7:05 FSW

15 Giants 1:05 9

17 at Dodgers 7:05 9

18 at Dodgers 7:35

19 Oakland 7:05

20 Oakland 7:05

21 Oakland 7:05 FSW

22 Oakland 1:05 FSW

23 at Texas 5:35 9

24 at Texas 5:35 9

25 at Texas 11:35

26 at Seattle 7:05 9

27 at Seattle 7:05 9

28 at Seattle 7:05 9 29 at Seattle 1:35 9

30 at Colorado 6:05 9


1 at Colorado 12:05 9

2 Dodgers 7:35

3 Dodgers 7:05

4 Seattle 7:05 ESPN

5 Seattle 7:05 FSW

6 Seattle 5:05 ESPN

8 All-Star Game (Cleveland)

10 at Oakland 12:15 9

11 at Oakland 7:35 9

12 at Oakland 1:05

13 at Oakland 1:05 9

14 Texas 7:05 9

15 Texas 7:05 FSW

16 Detroit 7:35 FSW

17 Detroit 7:05

18 Toronto 7:05 FSW

19 Toronto 7:05 FSW 20 Toronto 1:05

22 at New York 4:35 9

23 at New York 10:05

24 at New York 4:35 9

25 at Boston 4:05 9

26 at Boston 2:05

27 at Boston 10:05 9 28 at Cleveland 4:05 9

29 at Cleveland 4:05 9

30 at Cleveland 4:05

31 Chicago 7:05


1 Chicago 7:05 FSW

2 Chicago 7:05

3 Chicago 5:05

4 Milwaukee 7:05 FSW

5 Milwaukee 7:05 FSW

6 Milwaukee 1:05

8 Baltimore 7:05 FSW

9 Baltimore 7:05

10 Baltimore 5:05

12 at Chicago 5:05 9

13 at Chicago 5:05

14 at Milwaukee 11:05 15 at Milwaukee 5:05 9

16 at Baltimore 4:05 9

17 at Baltimore 10:35 9

18 at Baltimore 4:35 9

19 New York 7:05 FSW

20 New York 7:35 FSW

21 New York 7:05

22 Boston 7:05 9

23 Boston 7:05

24 Boston 1:05

26 Cleveland 7:05 FSW

27 Cleveland 7:35 FSW

28 at Padres 2:05 9

29 at Padres 7:05 9

30 at Giants 1:05

31 at Giants 1:05 9


1 Colorado 7:05 FSW

2 Colorado 7:05 FSW

4 at Detroit 4:05

5 at Detroit 4:05

6 at Detroit 10:05

7 at Detroit 10:05

8 at Toronto 4:35 9

9 at Toronto 4:35 9

11 Kansas City 7:05

12 Kansas City 7:05 FSW

13 Kansas City 1:05 Fox

14 Kansas City 1:05

15 Minnesota 7:05

16 Minnesota 7:05 FSW

17 Oakland 7:35

18 Oakland 3:05

19 at Texas 5:35

20 at Texas 5:35 9

21 at Texas 12:05 9

23 at Seattle 7:05

24 at Seattle 7:35

25 Texas 7:05

26 Texas 7:05 FSW

27 Texas 7:05

28 Texas 1:05


9: KCAL Channel 9

FSW: Fox Sports West regional cable

Fox: Network telecast

ESPN: Network cable

All times Pacific and subject to change

Sources: Angels, Times reports
