
Seeing Sleek Shells by the Seashore

The 15th annual Human-Powered Vehicle Contest takes place this weekend in San Diego, bringing together 300 engineering students from the United States and Canada to see who can build the fastest non-motorized machine.

The contest’s souped-up bicycles can reach speeds of up to 60 mph, mostly due to highly advanced fairings, or aerodynamic shells that reduce drag. The public is invited to watch the final leg of the three-part competition: a 64-kilometer relay held Sunday at the Naval Training Center.

The contest is sponsored by the American Society of Mechanical Engineering and is hosted by the society’s student chapter at the UC San Diego School of Engineering. Other California schools expected to participate include San Francisco State, San Jose State, Cal State Long Beach and UC Irvine.


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* The Democracy Network ( offers bipartisan information about the April 8 election in Los Angeles as well as a listing of debates and other campaign events. Don’t forget to check out the campaign finance page.

* An updated list of radio stations that broadcast over the Internet with Real Audio or Xingtech Streamworks servers can be found at


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* Worldwide news links, including to foreign-language newspapers, periodicals and much more can be located at

* The American Lung Assn. is online at The site is full of information on lung health, including topics such as asthma, smoking and respiratory distress syndrome. Also addressed are community and environmental health issues such as air pollution and radon gas.


* Getting through a divorce can be difficult enough, even more so if you don’t know where to turn. DivorceInfo ( offers support and information on most common issues: taxes, children and the future.

* Home pages are so ubiquitous that even the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco has one. Pictures, historical facts and other information are available at

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* If you have health-related questions about food, visit the Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition ( This site, sponsored by the Food and Drug Administration, provides information on food labeling, nutrition and dietary supplements, consumer advice, pesticides and lead in food, and tips for the safe handling and preparation of food.


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