
New High School

* Re “The ABCs of Holding Up a New School,” Opinion, March 23:

I wholeheartedly agree with Gregory Rodriguez. What on earth is the problem? Have the union members or the school board been to Belmont High and experienced the overcrowding and lack of air-conditioning? Have they hung out in the Beaudry neighborhood and seen the desolation the area now experiences?

Local 11 union and United Teachers Los Angeles need to figure out how to assist the district in achieving the goal of a balanced mixed-use facility rather than constantly throwing roadblocks up. Come up with a developer who is unionized and work within the LAUSD budget. Find a union grocer who will come downtown and offer the much-needed services. Become a partner rather than a foe.

And the school district needs to swallow its bureaucratic pride and accept constructive and cost-effective suggestions.


As for the politicians: Get your own affairs in order before meddling into another’s area of jurisdiction.


Los Angeles
