
An Alternative in Sex Education

* Re “Grant to Fight Teen Pregnancy Delayed for O.C.,” March 20:

Suppose you own a car with mechanical problems and you take it to the same mechanic year after year and the problems never get solved. In fact, the problems get worse. This is exactly what has happened in the area of teen sex education.

Why is it that Planned Parenthood automatically gets funding when their record of success in reducing teen pregnancy, sexually transmitted diseases and sexual activity among teens is dismal?

I have worked with Teen Awareness Inc. and have seen their presentation in local high schools. It is outstanding. Why didn’t you describe the program?


As a parent of three children, two of whom are teens, I want what many other parents want: an honest, abstinence-based sex education program that teaches our kids how and why to wait, fully explains the consequences if they don’t, and [has] testimonies by real people about the results of some of their choices.

Teen Awareness Inc. offers all of this. Most of all, they offer hope to our kids.


Santa Ana
