
Observing the Rites of Holy Week

Christians throughout the world are observing Holy Week, the most sacred days on the church calendar. The observances began Thursday night in many congregations with the ritual washing of worshipers’ feet by priests and pastors. The practice is a reenactment of New Testament accounts of Jesus washing the feet of his disciples as an example of humility and service he expected them to follow.

It was also on Thursday night, scriptural accounts say, that the Last Supper took place, at which Jesus instituted the Holy Eucharist, sometimes known as Holy Communion. Because Jesus instructed his followers to love one another and instituted the Eucharist observance, Thursday came to be known as Maundy Thursday, after the word mandate. Good Friday marks the trial, crucifixion and death of Jesus on a Roman cross.

While most Christians will celebrate Easter at services on Sunday, some will mark the resurrection beginning tonight at Easter vigil services in Roman Catholic, Episcopal and some Lutheran congregations. At the vigil, a large candle is lit and carried into churches still darkened from solemn Good Friday observances. As the procession enters the church, the priest or clergy proclaim, “The light of Christ!”
