
Board Apologizes to Neighbors of Fairgrounds for Circus Noise

The Orange County Fair Board of Directors on Wednesday apologized to neighbors who live near the Cirque du Soleil tent at the Orange County Fairgrounds for having to endure performance noise and formed a committee to work on the matter before shows end April 13.

“The members of the board are totally stunned” by the noise problems, said Randy Smith, a fair director. “We owe you a sincere apology for imposing on you as a neighbor. . . . It was a mistake.”

About 75 residents who attended the meeting from the nearby College Park subdivision followed the comments with applause. About a dozen had complained to the board, which oversees the state-owned fairgrounds, that efforts to improve conditions were not helping enough.


Fair directors Emily Samford and Gary Hayakawa were assigned to work with residents and the circus on the issue as community representatives. And Cirque officials vowed to keep working with sound experts to contain the noise within the tent.
