
Street Overhaul Nears Completion

Residents in the last of the city’s neighborhoods awaiting major street repairs will not have to wait much longer.

A road reconstruction project for the neighborhood south of Carver Elementary School is scheduled to begin April 21.

“We’ve been concentrating for the last four years or so on trying to repair our residential streets, which are the lowest priority in times of low funding,” City Manager Terry Matz said. “This will take care of the most critical areas.”


The City Council on Tuesdayaccepted a $391,000 bid from Hillcrest Contracting Inc. of Corona for the rebuilding of six streets and an alley. The project is expected to take 45 working days.

“The pavement in most of the streets will be removed down to the base and completely reconstructed,” Public Works Director Michael Kim said. “It will be like building a whole new street again.”

Some residential areas have gone for more than a decade without major street repairs, city officials said. The lack of regular maintenance allowed water to seep through cracks in the pavement, causing damage that could not be repaired by resurfacing.


Mayor Brian Donahue said there are some other residential streets in need of repair, but work cannot begin until disagreements over financial responsibility between the city and nearby condominium owners are resolved.

“We are proud of the accomplishments we’ve made, given the resources we have,” Donahue said. “We’re not 100%, but we’re doing OK.”

Matz said the emphasis on road repairs will now switch back to the city’s major thoroughfares.
