
Unger Replaces Anderson at Katella

Dominik Unger, the defensive line coach at Servite the last seven seasons, has been named head football coach at Katella, replacing Larry Anderson.

Unger played on the Fullerton College team that won the national junior college championship in 1983. After graduating from BYU, Unger joined the Fullerton College staff for a year before going to Servite.


David Sanford, a student at Cal State Los Angeles, has been named girls’ cross-country coach at El Toro High, assistant principal Chuck Hinman said Tuesday.



Villa Park announced the resignation of three coaches. Girls’ basketball coach Connie Bohnert left after two seasons to concentrate on her family; wrestling coach Michael Salotti left after one year as the head coach, and boys’ soccer coach Fidel Aratorre left because of time conflicts with his other job.
