
City Council OKs $150,000 for Youth Center Building

The Los Angeles City Council approved $150,000 Tuesday to help finance construction of a new headquarters for the East 60th Street Community Improvement Club, which has focused for nearly three decades on keeping at-risk youths off the streets.

The money will give a much-needed boost to stalled efforts to raise $1.6 million for a building that will house a room for dance and martial arts instruction, a small library, a computer lab and an industrial kitchen for cooking classes.

To date, $650,000 has been raised. Additional fund-raisers are planned, including an April 7 golf tournament at Sierra La Verne Country Club in La Verne.


The nonprofit club, at 58th and Wall streets, was started in 1968.

“It was created for the purpose of giving young kids in the community a place to keep them off the streets and out of trouble,” said Kenny Jones, the woman who runs the center. “It was originally designed as a place were kids could have good fun.”

Initially, the plan to provide a safe haven was a success. But by the late 1970s, the center was overtaken by gang members. Their presence kept other children away and the city withdrew funding.

“I went to the gang members, many of whom I had befriended, and told them the situation,” said Jones, who asked them to stay away from the center for the sake of children in the neighborhood. “They understood the situation and fully cooperated with us. Now they don’t bother us at all. They don’t even tag the building. We have a good rapport with them.”


Jones hopes construction on the new building will begin by summer and eventually hopes to have a full gymnasium and swimming pool at the center. She would also like to add mentors for students in various subjects.

For information on the golf tournament, call (213) 231-4707.
