
United Way $650,000 Short of Year’s Goal

With slightly more than three months left to collect donations, the United Way in Ventura County is about $650,000 short of its 1996-97 fund-raising goal.

The charity has collected $4.7 million of the $5.35 million it seeks, spokesman George Phillips said.

Requests from 58 charities and agencies that use United Way funds have already exceeded this year’s contributions, officials said.


The nonprofit organization relies on organized fund-raising campaigns within companies and corporations for the bulk of its donations. This year’s lag in donations is due in part to economic trends that have caused small companies to shrink and large companies to merge, Phillips said.

Donations to the charity dropped nationwide in the early 1990s, hit by the recession and criticism about how its top officers used contributions.

In August 1996, a director of United Way of Ventura County resigned, saying the charity uses almost 25% of donations on administrative overhead. But top officials refuted his claim and said the charity uses just 11% of donations for its operating budget.


Although United Way knows that it must make a concerted effort to reach its goal, Phillips said he isn’t worried.

“We still have time, and we do think we’ll be within 1% of the goal,” he said.

Volunteers plan to call new companies in Ventura County and ask for donations.

GTE has offered $10,000 to match new donations to United Way.

“Almost everything a human being could need, we service,” Phillips said. “AIDS, cancer, heart disease, the homeless, Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts--the United Way helps them all. It’s important to keep in mind that while you’re talking about the money and goals, you’re really talking about people.”
