
Reform Proposals for Tenure at UC

In a March 10 editorial, The Times asked whether it is time to start thinking about abolishing tenure at colleges and universities. We were told that tenure keeps the U.S. from advancing in the “global economy” since, with the “lifetime employment” that tenure provides, professors are under no pressure to keep current in their fields.

Thousands of foreign graduate students who struggle to get into the U.S. to study in such fields as molecular biology, computer science and electronics certainly don’t believe this. They seem to know that U.S. higher education is at the cutting edge. It also will surprise faculty in other countries who recognize the international stature of U.S. university research programs.

The Times also states that “post-tenure” review of faculty is being “tested” at the University of California. In fact, UC has led the nation for decades in the rigor of the reviews it undertakes for professors who have achieved tenure. In order to rise to the top of UC’s academic ranks faculty must, in the course of a career, surmount three reviews beyond those for promotion to tenure, each progressively more stringent. In addition, another eight to 10 required reviews are less demanding but still substantial.


There is a difference between freedom of inquiry and discussion, which tenure is designed to protect, and a free ride.


UC Academic Senate

