
Valley Secession

Re “Toward Fixing, Not Fleeing, L.A.,” editorial, March 6: Valley VOTE, a coalition of over 40 businesses and homeowners’ associations concerned with the future of Los Angeles, agrees with The Times that we must work toward fixing L.A. before we pack our bags.

People are already leaving Los Angeles. They are going to cities like Burbank, Glendale and other areas of the county where government takes the needs of people seriously. Businesses that flee know they will find other cities that will work with them and not overtax them. Homeowners flee Los Angeles to acquire a better and safer quality of life.

The only way to fix L.A. is to restructure the government and improve the methods by which it provides services to residents and businesses. The City Council will not take a hard look at itself and the operations of the city voluntarily. Only the threats of people leaving the city will move the council to action.


The current veto power of the City Council allows it to ignore calls to rethink how government works. We at Valley VOTE are working to eliminate the council’s veto power over a division of the city. Once the right of the people to vote is restored, then the City Council will be required to focus on needed changes to make the city cleaner, better and safer for all of its residents.



Co-Chairmen, Valley VOTE
