
Second Thoughts for Mickey

Disneyland had long enjoyed a solid and deserved reputation for its sensitive treatment of disabled patrons. The relationship between the amusement park and the disabled was special. So what happened down on Main Street recently appeared to be a public relations blunder of Matterhorn size.

The uproar began with management’s decision to eliminate long-standing, twice-a-year discount days for disabled youngsters and their families. Cancellation last week of the Disney program called Happy Hearts left many baffled and unhappy. Then on Monday Disney officials restored the program, but too late to avoid a black eye.

The retreat came after a weekend flood of telephone calls and letters from advocates for the disabled. Families complained that Disney officials had stalled for months before conceding the cancellation of discount days was in the works, and some suggested that increased profits were the reason for the change. Disney denied that was the motive, but the denial appeared hollow to many since, in recent years, discounts had been restricted for members of marching bands that play at the park and for families of park employees.


Disney officials, meanwhile, were trying to explain their side of the story, saying that Happy Hearts days were so popular and crowded that the disabled kids were unable to enjoy the full pleasures of the park.

The announcement Monday of an expansion of the Happy Hearts program and discounts for the disabled was a proper resolution, perhaps too late to erase all damage to Disney but the right thing to do and an action that promises to restore the former image.

The program will be doubled from 12 days of discounted admission prices for the disabled and their families to 24 days a year. And Happy Hearts patrons and families will continue to pay $18 per person admission, a big discount from the normal charge of $26 for children and $36 for adults.


So Happy Hearts is here again, and a perhaps unnecessary weekend of hurt feelings between old friends can be forgotten.
