
Boeing North American Inc. of Canoga Park...

Boeing North American Inc. of Canoga Park won a $43.9-million contract from the Army Space and Strategic Defense Command in Huntsville, Ala., for a kinetic-energy antisatellite technology demonstration program.

* Rockwell Science Center in Thousand Oaks won a $6-million contract from the Phillips Laboratory at Kirtland Air Force Base, N. M., for development of advanced, very long wavelength infrared detectors.

* Klune Industries Inc. of North Hollywood won a $4.5-million contract from Federal Prison Industries in Washington, D.C., for adapters.


* KOR Electronics Inc. of Garden Grove won a $4.2-million contract from the Naval Air Warfare Center at Point Mugu for E / F band memory modulators.

* Litton Guidance & Control Systems in Woodland Hills won a $2.8-million contract from the Navy in San Diego for research and development.

* PTI Technologies Inc. of Newbury Park won a $840,600 contract from the Army Aviation and Troop Command in St. Louis for engine accessories, and two contracts from the Defense Supply Center in Columbus, Ohio--one of $52,026 for fluid filters and one of $46,619 for fluid filter elements.


* Lopez / Mosley Construction in Camarillo won a $822,813 contract from the Vandenberg Air Force Base to repair boilers.

* Crow Creek Construction in Ventura won a $343,500 contract from the Naval Air Weapons Station at Point Mugu for swimming pool maintenance.
