
Scheer on Welfare

Despite the fact that I do not like President Clinton or his associates, Robert Scheer’s Column Left (“Tough Love on Welfare Is Only for the Poor,” March 18) was better suited for the National Enquirer. Worse than that, it missed the point.

Besides Scheer’s sympathy for (and I generalize--my comments do not apply to everyone on welfare, just a majority) able-bodied, lazy, drug- and alcohol-abusing, uneducated welfare recipients, the money going to Webster Hubbell (“String of Deals Enriched Hubbell Amid Fraud Probe,” March 14) and others does not come out of my paycheck. It seems to me friends and family are offering support, which is exactly what I wish people would do for welfare recipients. Hubbell and friends are criminals, similar to some welfare recipients that I pay for.

I wish he offered Clinton’s support as an example for friends and families of welfare recipients.



San Diego

* What is it with liberal/leftists anyway? Of course anyone who believes in socialism, a proven failure in the world, can’t be too swift.

Scheer talks about the Democrats chastising “welfare people” down on their luck. I could put all the people in Los Angeles who are on welfare because they are down on their luck in the back of my pickup. Liberals always manage to drag up some woman who has 37 kids and was on welfare while she got her college degree. There’s always the exception to the rule, but don’t buy a second pickup.


