
Benson Cartoon

I am normally impressed with your coverage of Asian American issues. However, I am writing to tell you how disappointed and disgusted I felt upon seeing the political cartoon by Steve Benson (Commentary, March 18). It depicted a slanty-eyed, evil-looking “Chinese” eating with chopsticks from an upturned Capitol dome. I am shocked that The Times would choose to print such an offensive, racist depiction of an Asian.

Your decision to print this cartoon is an excellent example of how respected mainstream media can engage in behavior that hurts Asians and Asian Americans, at best without even realizing it, or at worst, without anticipating any significant backlash for having done so.

I agree that it is important to discuss allegations of illegitimate political fund-raising activities and the efforts of certain Asian contributors to exert undue influence on American politics. But disgusting portrayals of Asian people add nothing to such a discussion. Instead, they perpetuate some people’s misguided beliefs that Asians are ugly, evil and acceptable targets of mockery.


ELSA Y. CHEN, President

Taiwanese American Citizens

League, Redondo Beach
