
How Will the Future Suit Your Leisure?

Women in Technology International, an organization dedicated to increasing the presence of women in the science and technology industries, is gathering Wednesday at Caltech in Pasadena to address the issue of how changes in technology will affect leisure time in the future.

The highlight of the meeting, the first for the regional chapter, will be a debate on the topic “10 Years From Now: Will You and Your Kids ‘Watch’ the Internet, TV or Something Else?” The audience will be invited to share its views during a question-and-answer segment.

For information about how to get involved with the organization, check out or fax (818) 906-3299.



* Women’s history month is almost over, so hurry to the History Channel ( for a timeline and history of women’s suffrage in America. Follow the timeline of events and read biographies of significant figures in the women’s rights movement.

* If you’re looking for a little more action, the World Sports Exchange ( may be more to your liking. The site is an online sports book regulated by the Gaming Commission of Antigua and Barbuda. Put some money down on your favorite Final Four team. If you get too caught up, they also offer a link to Gamblers Anonymous.

* Making Hearts Sing ( is a collection of fables for children based on traditional values such as kindness, respect and friendship. The stories are inspired by tales from China, Russia, Japan, Korea and France.


* The Internet is a great way to visit faraway lands, but if you’re going in person, check out Foreign Languages for Travelers at Visitors can learn basic words and phrases in 42 languages for such essential activities as shopping, dining and asking directions. If you need to know the weather at your intended destination, the World Climate Data site at has information on what the weather is usually like for thousands of locations worldwide.

* Keep up on initial public offerings at IPO Central ( Find the latest filings and search for a specific company based on information provided by the Securities and Exchange Commission. You can also read articles about IPOs, their risks and how to participate. A special section for beginners describes the process in plain English.

* “Take a hike,” exhorts Actually, it’s referring to a series of 360-degree virtual panoramas taken along trails in New Mexico’s Diablo canyon. Each virtual hike lasts about 15 minutes.


* The Supermarket Checker Web site ( is full of insights from a Southern California supermarket clerk. Read the results of taste tests (fresh milk versus Parmalat), new products and the best recipes from the backs of food packages. There are even highlights from the tabloids you read (yes, you do) while waiting in the checkout line.

* For a practical guide to starting, running and growing a small business, check out CCH Business Owner’s Toolkit at In the SOHO Guidebook, you’ll find detailed blueprints for securing financing for your venture, marketing your product and recruiting employees. Visitors can also download copies of documents ranging from job-satisfaction surveys to drug-testing consent forms.

* For news and features about African Americans, visit Afro America at The site is maintained by the publishers of Afro, a weekly newspaper with editions in Washington, Baltimore and Richmond, Va. The site also invites visitors to share their opinions in a weekly poll and has a job vault. Archives of the newspaper will go online soon.

Site suggestions can be sent to [email protected]
