
Flashy Visitor: Comet Hale-Bopp, heralded as the...

Flashy Visitor: Comet Hale-Bopp, heralded as the brightest comet of the century, is now visible in the evening sky. Don’t miss it, if you care. It will next come around in 2,400 years.


Comet Hale-Bopp

Comet Hale-Bopp is brighter than anything in the night sky except Sirius, Mars and the moon. The comet’s core measures 25 to 40 miles in diameter, making it much larger than most.

What it Looks Like

* To the naked eye: Head like a fuzzy star, tail spreading horizontally.

* With binoculars or small telescope: Detail of tail and dust filaments from head visible, as well as second tail of gas.



Evening Sky Viewing

Best viewing is northwest horizon about one hour before comet sets.


Degrees Comet above sets northwest horizon March 23 17 9:15 March 24 18 9:22 March 25 18 9:28 March 26 19 9:33 March 27 20 9:38 March 28 21 9:43


Source: Patrick So, Griffith Observatory

Keep on Tracking: MetroLink plans to renovate the 90-year-old Chatsworth train tunnel, which floods during storms, forcing 60-mph trains to slow to 25 mph as they pass through the Santa Susana Mountains. The delays won’t do. “Our No. 1 priority is to get passengers to and from their destinations on time,” said MetroLink spokesman Peter Hildago. In addition to 3,000 commuters daily, the rail line also serves up to a dozen freight and 10 Amtrak trains daily. Hildago said the route, the main line between Los Angeles and Oxnard, is “one of the most active corridors in the region.” MetroLink has budgeted up to $1.2 million for repairs to the 1.4-mile tunnel.
