
Judge Wieben Stock, Critic Are Criticized

* One of the greatest misconceptions circulating in Orange County is that Judge Nancy Wieben Stock followed the law in both the Kyle and Simpson-Brown custody cases. That is simply not true.

The plain facts are that Wieben Stock was neither following the law nor using common sense. I have searched to no avail for the law that required Wieben Stock to return these children to a home wherein there was established domestic violence and the children were at high risk.

Used generally to make children wards of the court, [the law] also gives judges latitude to make other guardianship arrangements. We demand judges who provide for the maximum safety and protection of children who are at risk of that harm, using law and common sense. Wieben Stock did neither, and deserves to be recalled.



Huntington Beach

* It is heartwarming to find that there are many who support Orange County Superior Court Judge Nancy Wieben Stock.

Tammy Bruce, a leader of the Woman’s Progress Alliance, uses her KFI radio talk show to incite emotional frenzy in an attempt to cause thinking people to forget that we have laws that assist judges in making decisions that are honest and impartial.

I feel that this is an abuse of 1st Amendment rights. Bruce said, “Judges are not untouchable gods.” Who appointed her judge, jury and god? If these vindictive vigilantes are allowed to recall this judge there will be far-reaching problems for our justice system and for our judges.


The scales are being tipped much too far if judges have to bend to extremist women’s groups and the knee-jerk public opinion created by them.


Santa Ana
