
Van Nuys Airport

* Re “Flight Fight,” March 16.

Since being elected in 1993, I have worked diligently to ensure that Van Nuys Airport becomes a better neighbor to the surrounding residents, who are bombarded daily by airplane noise. I believe that now, as the Van Nuys Airport Master Plan weaves its way through the city’s review process, is the time for definitive and effective noise controls that can only be imposed with a strong political will.

I have appeared before the Board of Airport Commissioners, had meetings with Department of Airports staff and publicly expressed numerous times that I cannot support any Van Nuys Airport Master Plan until noise issues have been fully and effectively addressed. I have repeatedly requested that the Department of Airports develop a comprehensive noise ordinance that would include a non-addition rule for Stage 2 aircraft (the noisiest), an extended curfew for plane takeoffs, as well as a gradual Stage 2 phaseout. Unfortunately, my requests have fallen on deaf ears.

I have always been an ardent supporter of the airport and its contributions to the Valley’s economic vitality. However, I also know the serious noise problems its neighbors have had to endure.


Now is the time for other local elected officials and those who influence decisions made at the Federal Aviation Administration and Los Angeles Airport to join me in my quest to help make Van Nuys Airport a quieter and more responsible neighbor.


Los Angeles City Council,

3rd District

* The pilots figure that if they’re up at 2 a.m. taking off, then the rest of the Valley should be up also.

Robert L. Rodine, a management and business planning consultant, states that the airport plays a major role in supporting the entertainment industry, and that movie stars and executives like private jets. To hell with those people! Let them fly commercial like the rest of us. Better yet, let’s move the airport to their neighborhood.



North Hills
