
Freeway Lanes and McClintock

* So Assemblyman Tom McClintock doesn’t like carpool lanes and decided to attack them and his hosts at the 118 Freeway carpool lanes dedication (“McClintock Drives Home His Objections at Carpool Dedication,” March 14).

Where has McClintock been? As an assemblyman, he should be aware that the federal Environmental Protection Agency and Congress have set air-quality standards and what many believe are unreasonable regulations for the L.A. Basin. With these regulations and the actions of the state Air Resources Board and various environmental advocates, it is all but impossible for Caltrans to add general-purpose lanes to Los Angeles freeways, even though desperately needed to reduce congestion.

However, even if EPA regulations permitted adding general-purpose lanes in this air basin, since most congestion occurs during commute hours, carpool lanes can provide significant help. Many of them are very successful, especially when long stretches and continuity can be provided. The 210 Freeway carpool lanes from Pasadena to San Dimas run full during commute hours, carrying at least the equivalent number of people as two lanes of freeway.


However, for regional mobility and continued economic viability, this region needs the option of both additional general-purpose lanes and carpool lanes. McClintock can best serve Los Angeles by his efforts to remove or neutralize the Air Resources Board and EPA’s stranglehold on the region’s ability to add general-purpose lanes to freeways.


Retired Deputy District Director,


