
School Bond Backers Plan Rally, March

A boarded-up elementary school in South Gate is scheduled for a visit today as various elected officials voice support for a proposed school facilities bond issue identical to one that was narrowly defeated by voters in November.

Delaine Eastin, the state superintendent of public instruction, has been invited to join local politicians at an 11 a.m. demonstration at the old Tweedy Elementary playground in the 9500 block of Pinehurst Avenue.

From there, participants plan to march to South Gate Park, where portable classrooms were set up for Tweedy students in 1988, when the school site was abandoned because emissions from a nearby industrial plant had caused some students to complain of eye irritations and shortness of breath.


Event organizers say the gathering is intended to raise awareness for a proposed $2.4-billion bond measure that would pay for construction and building repairs across the Los Angeles Unified School District.

Proposition BB is identical to a measure proposed last year that fell about 1 percentage point short of the necessary two-thirds voter approval.
