
Old Newport Blvd. Plans to Be Revealed

The public will have an opportunity Monday to hear about the city’s plan to encourage development along Old Newport Boulevard north of West Coast Highway.

“Unfortunately, it has kind of been out of sight, out of mind in the past,” City Manager Kevin J. Murphy said of the area.

After more than two years of study, a panel of 10 residents and two members of the City Council submitted to the council its recommendations for sprucing up the street.


Among the ideas the council will consider are a provision to allow mixed-use development and one that would allow for larger buildings on the area’s small parcels of land.

Murphy said the panel’s work was inspired by petitions by property owners who wanted to upgrade the buildings but were prohibited by current ordinances.

“We hope the incentives . . . will encourage them to redevelop their properties,” Murphy said.


The council will meet at 7 p.m. at City Hall, 3300 W. Newport Blvd. Information: (714) 644-3017.
