
Shaving Inquiry Widens

From Associated Press

The FBI and a federal grand jury are studying pawn shop records in investigating rumors that Fresno State basketball players shaved points, the Fresno Bee reported Wednesday.

The grand jury issued a subpoena to the city March 12 seeking records of pawn shop transactions, which must be filed with police, Deputy City Attorney Larry Donaldson said.

Donaldson did not release the subpoena’s contents and refused to say whether it involved the Fresno State basketball investigation. But the newspaper reported that unidentified sources said the subpoena does involve basketball.


Donaldson also would not release the pawn records. He told the Bee in a letter that Jim Beasley, special FBI agent in charge of the Fresno office, advised him that disclosure would “compromise and unreasonably interfere with their investigation.”

The Bee also reported that one pawn shop owner, Dan Jelladian, said he met guard Chris Herren around Christmas, and Herren visited his shop twice but did not buy or pawn anything.

Jelladian said he is a friend and longtime associate of a businessman under investigation whom the newspaper described as a “sizable sports bettor with ties to organized bookmaking.”


But Jelladian said no Fresno State basketball players have pawned items at his shop.

Herren said he has met Jelladian.

“I’ve met a thousand guys since I’ve been here,” Herren said. “So what?”

The Bee previously reported that the investigation focuses on point guard Dominick Young, including a discussion he had with the alleged gambler at a nightclub after a game. Young said he didn’t recall meeting the man and denied shaving points, an illegal practice in which players actively work to keep the margin of victory inside the point spread.

The alleged gambler also has denied being involved in point shaving. The Bee has refused to issue retractions he and Young have demanded.

University President John Welty confirmed that his staff also is continuing to investigate the rumors.


“We will make every effort to find the facts,” Welty said. “If there is wrongdoing, we will act promptly. We will not tolerate any violation of NCAA regulations or any laws.”
