
Plan Would Let Tournament Promoter Charge Admission

A 30-year tradition of free admission to volleyball tournaments in Manhattan Beach could end with a City Council agreement to allow seating charges.

If the California Coastal Commission approves the plan in May, the city plans to sign a two-year contract with the Assn. of Volleyball Professionals, which promotes the tournaments at the beach.

The council voted 4-1 Tuesday to amend its local coastal plan to allow one event promoter per year to sell all of the seating, compared to 25% under the former plan. Under an agreement with the association, the promoter will be responsible for funding the event, which has received up to $40,000 in funds from the city in the past.


“We feel like we have addressed the issues that have been concerns over the last year,” said Parks and Recreation Director Jim Wolfe. “We have proposed solutions and making changes that we believe people will be comfortable with.”

Donley Falkenstein, executive director of Beach Alliance, a group of residents who have fought to keep the tournament free so that the beach is more accessible, said he plans to seek an injunction against the city to block approval of the tournament. Falkenstein contends that state law prohibits expanded development on the beaches. The promoter is required to get a development permit for the event.
