
City Staff Will Get Guidance on Budget

Before the city staff begins drawing up the budget for the next fiscal year, the City Council, along with the planning and recreation commissions, will give them some guidance tonight.

“Rather than going to them and saying, ‘What do you see as being needed?,’ we are soliciting their thoughts in advance,” City Manager Robert C. Dunek said. “It makes good sense to sit down with the council first without having a lot of goals already set by staff.”

The council will be outlining aims for several programs and projects for fiscal 1997-98, which begins July 1.


The city staff will try to make those goals fit within budgetary constraints.

Officials will also review the city’s seven-year plan.

The council will meet at 7 p.m. in City Hall, 23161 Lake Center Drive. Information: (714) 461-3400.
