
‘Star Wars’ Juggernaut Rolls On

Howard Stern was no match for “Return of the Jedi: Special Edition.” The final installment in the “Star Wars Trilogy” took in $16.3 million its opening weekend. The film now has a 14-year cumulative of $280 million. Stern’s “Private Parts” dropped from first place to third with a take of $8.7 million.

Tim Allen’s family comedy, “Jungle 2 Jungle,” held firm in second place with $10.9 million.


Weekend Gross/ Screens/ Weeks in Movie (Studio) Total (millions) Average Release 1. “Return of the Jedi: Special Edition” $16.3 2,111 1 (Fox) $280.0 $7,718 2. “Jungle 2 Jungle” $10.9 2,323 2 (Buena Vista/Disney) $27.2 $4,708 3. “Private Parts” $8.7 2,138 2 (Paramount) $27.6 $4,074 4. “Donnie Brasco” 5.4 1,593 3 (Sony/TriStar) $31.3 $3,401 5. “The Empire Strikes Back: Special Edition” $5.1 2,322 4 (Fox) $282.2 $2,208 6. “love jones” $3.9 820 1 (New Line) $3.9 $4,767 7. “Sling Blade” $3.0 951 16 (Miramax) $8.4 $3,183 8. “Absolute Power” $2.4 1,605 5 (Sony/Columbia) 45.6 $1,501 9 “Star Wars: Special Edition” $2.3 1,430 7 (Fox) $456.8 $1,591 10. “Booty Call” $2.1 1,154 3 (Sony/Columbia) $17.1 $1,858



SOURCE: Exhibitor Relations Co.
