
Mission College Offers Careers Program

“Focus on Careers,” a free program featuring workshops on job-search strategies, effective resume writing and interviewing techniques, will be held Tuesday at Mission College.

“Employers will be on campus to present information on a variety of careers, and representatives from the college’s academic, vocational and technical programs will explain educational opportunities at Mission College,” said Geri Shapiro, director of the campus New Horizons program for adults returning to school, which is sponsoring the event.

In addition to the workshops, employers from the public and private sectors and college career counselors will be available to answer questions and distribute employment information, officials said.


Past participants in the event, which is held biannually, include the Los Angeles police and fire departments, Kaiser Permanente, the Coca-Cola Co., United Parcel Service and Radio Shack, among others.

“Focus on Careers,” which will run from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Tuesday, is open to the public, officials said.

For more information, call Shapiro at (818) 364-7674.
