
Weapons at Schools

I read “14% of Students Have Carried Weapon to School, Study Says” (March 10) with amazement. The authors report that one of the most disturbing conclusions of the survey is that LAUSD has failed to implement a consistent metal detector policy. The current policy has been no deterrent to students arming themselves.

I work as a discipline dean at a large LAUSD middle school. I use the metal detectors. It is my opinion that the implementation of the hand-held detectors was nothing more than a public relations tactic by LAUSD after a series of school shootings. Metal detectors will never be a deterrent to that disturbed individual who will bring a weapon to a school and use it.

For years LAUSD has coddled violent students, much to the anger of teachers whose classes have been continually victimized by these out-of-control individuals. Administrators fear angry parents, not angry teachers. Only after several shootings in schools did the district decide to appear to be on the job by distributing metal detectors. Believe me, violent students are still disrupting our classrooms and terrorizing our students. It doesn’t take a weapon to do that.


I am amazed at the implication that a better metal detector policy is a panacea to the problems of students feeling unsafe at school. We also have “No Weapons” signs. Big deal!

DAN HENNESSY, Dean, Virgil Middle School, Los Angeles
