

The Software Council of Southern California provides support and services for those in the local software industry. Its Web site ( has plenty of information about member benefits and upcoming events.

* The Los Angeles Regional Technology Alliance ( has put together a site offering information on a variety of business issues. By filling out various questionnaires, you can get information on demographics, business trends and even help in finding a business partner.

* The Entertainment Technology Center at the USC School of Cinema-Television helps link creative artists with the School of Engineering. To find out more about the ETC and how it helps entertainment professionals use technology, check out the site at


* The Integrated Media Systems Center at USC helps companies use technology to develop “a new generation of products.” Services include research, marketing and education. For an idea of how the IMSC sees technology shaping our economy and what the future may have in store, head to

* The UC Irvine Technology Outreach Program Project offers a wide range of services, including product prototyping, education, retraining and engineering services. Check out the Web site at for a list of resources, labs, research projects and events.

* CalArts is trying to prepare its students for the changing world of animation. Its Web site ( describes what the Computer Animation Lab does and the classes offered.


* The Web site of UCLA’s Computer Science Department ( gives an in-depth look at what the department’s computer students are studying and the projects they’re working on.

* Did you know you have an infosphere? According to the Caltech Infospheres Project, it’s your current state and the set of interfaces through which you interact. The Caltech project is examining how the World Wide Web allows our infospheres to mix and mingle, especially heading into the next millennium. Its site is at There’s a helpful executive summary in case you have trouble deciphering the techno-speak.

* The Art Center College of Design offers online classes in Internet concept and design, as well as courses tackling various media projects. At


* For information about upcoming events sponsored by the Assn. of Information Technology Professionals, check out Speakers and seminars address issues relevant to information systems professionals in the Los Angeles area.

* A guide to the services offered by the city of Los Angeles’ Business Team--established to help recruit and retain companies--is at The site has contact numbers, eligibility rules and discussions of everything from permitting and financing to job training and support. It’s also a good resource for minority business owners.

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