
Police Officer Has a Problem

More than two months ago, someone--apparently guiding people to a party of some sort--tied bright blue plastic ribbons onto quite a number of stop signs, light poles and fences in our area.

Growing tired of seeing the ugly blue ribbons, I was attempting to remove several ribbons from a construction fence where Shell is building a station at Olsen and Moorpark roads.

I had barely begun what I thought were the actions of a responsible citizen, when a police car stopped at the curb.


First, she pointed out that I was illegally parked. I was not parked. I was stopped at the curb with my emergency lights blinking.

Second, I was told the “construction fence” is private property and I could not remove the blue ribbons without the permission of the owner of the property. Oh, come on!

My wife and I have lived in Thousand Oaks since 1969. We saw to it that our three children earned university degrees. Our children are married, and have Christian homes of their own. We have two grandchildren. I am retired.


Finally, the police officer threatened to issue me a ticket. Boy, did I ever beat a hasty retreat.

What is this police officer’s problem and why is she taking it out on me--and probably others in the Conejo?

BOB KOCHER, Thousand Oaks
