
SCAG Freeway Plan Draws Fire

* It is no wonder Orange County officials have an ongoing conflict with the Southern California Assn. of Governments (“Regional Transit Study Puts O.C. Projects at Risk,” March 11).

Instead of focusing on present transportation problems, they choose to ignore those problems and project grandiose projects such as a new freeway bored through the Santa Ana Mountains and a national forest.

This proposed freeway proves that Southern California is the national center for thinking up new ways to rape the land. Where were these brilliant planners when the widening of the Riverside Freeway was being done--why didn’t they widen it enough?


Were these the same brilliant thinkers who said a regional light rail system was not feasible--despite the fact that it takes two hours in traffic to get to Westside Los Angeles from Orange County?

Why are the planners allowing unmitigated high density growth in Riverside County if the infrastructure can’t support it? Were these the same leading lights who shot down a bullet train from Los Angeles to Las Vegas?

Another question: Does this mean that if SCAG doesn’t ratify the currently planned county road projects, they get to take our Measure M money and use it for their grandiose schemes?



Foothill Ranch

* Send senior planner Bill Huddy and his SCAG cohorts back to genius school so they can take “Plans that make sense 101” over again.

Here are reasons why SCAG’s recent brainstorm makes no sense:

* The map shows the Cajalco Corridor cutting through Silverado Canyon, one of the last rural refuges left in Orange County. It will destroy that little community with traffic and pollution; it’s one of the few remaining places where folks can enjoy the country and relatively fresh air.

* Why should California taxpayers subsidize people who chose to buy relatively inexpensive housing in Riverside County and chose to work in Orange County?


* If the Cajalco Corridor is typical of most public works, taxpayers can triple the $1.3-billion estimate.

* A tunnel through Cleveland National Forest? Please! How much more wildlife do we have to destroy in the name of “progress”?

* Hope I’m not in it if there’s an earthquake. I don’t want to pay for lawsuits afterward.

And the authorities wonder why Waco and Ruby Ridge occurred. Because we have ever-growing government that just won’t let us be.


Modjeska Canyon

* I am opposed to the SCAG proposal to charge motorists a 2-cents-per-mile tax. Another sneaky government tactic?


Garden Grove
