
Galliher Gets Vice President Post at Krause’s

* Elizabeth A. Galliher has been appointed vice president of information systems for Krause’s Furniture Inc. in Brea. Galliher had been director of information technology at VitalCom Inc. She has also been manager of planning and integration for Gannett Outdoor and manager of restaurant systems for Carl Karcher Enterprises.

* Gordon Lee Jones III has been named to the newly created position of senior vice president/group publisher of Entrepreneur Media Inc. in Irvine, whose publications include Entrepreneur and Business Start-Ups magazines. Jones has been the vice president and publisher of Entrepreneur since 1994.

* Mike Chitjian has been reelected president of the California Assn. of Personnel Consultants. He is president of Markar Associates in Costa Mesa.


* Michael Todd has been appointed vice president at Townsend & O’Leary, a Laguna Hills advertising agency. He had been general manager.

* Judith McCartney has been named the 1997 chairwoman of the California/Nevada Credit Union League, a trade association. She is president and chief executive of the Orange County Federal Credit Union.
