
Council Will Review Plans to Annex 5 Areas

Part of an ambitious project to annex five unincorporated neighborhoods bordering the city is up for review next week.

The county has jurisdiction over the islands, most of them in East Side Costa Mesa, but the city provides services such as police and fire protection, though it gets no compensation from the area’s tax base.

The city wants to incorporate a total of 330 acres, including the Santa Ana Heights neighborhood, in five steps. The City Council on Monday will consider proceeding to annex two of the areas.


The first would be the Santa Ana Country Club at 20382 Newport Blvd. and two nearby commercial areas.

One commercial tract, at Newport Boulevard and Bristol Street, includes office buildings, Santa Ana Water Co., a car-rental agency and an animal hospital. The other is at Santa Ana Avenue and Bristol Street and contains a gas station and a commercial building.

Also being considered next week is an area of 15 residential properties north of Olympic Avenue and part of the San Diego Freeway right of way.


Before the council can pursue annexation, it must have approval from the Local Agency Formation Commission.

“Annexation has many hoops. This is probably the second or third hoop along the line,” Mayor Peter Buffa said. “The first one was deciding that we wanted annexation.”

Residents can block an annexation with signatures from 25% of the registered voters in the area. A special election can overturn the petitions with a majority vote.


The City Council will meet at 6:30 p.m. Monday at City Hall, 77 Fair Drive.

Information: (714) 754-5223.
