
For its annual awards dinner next week,...

For its annual awards dinner next week, the San Fernando Valley Interfaith Council will bring on magicians and a clown--with the talent mostly coming from the ranks of local clergy.

Performing magic during the 6 p.m. reception Thursday at the Warner Center Marriott Hotel in Woodland Hills will be Father Jim Blantz, Catholic chaplain at Rancho San Antonio in Chatsworth, and the Rev. Gilbert Stones, pastor of Woodland Hills United Methodist Church. Blantz and Stones belonged to the Magic Castle in Hollywood, the standard-setter for legerdemain, for 25 years and 10 years, respectively.

The Rev. Ken Gosselin, pastor of San Fernando First United Methodist Church, will appear as Dolly the Clown, a circus get-up that has won him dozens of trophies at Southern California parades.


The dinner entertainment will feature professional illusionist David Avadon. Award recipients will include Richard Katz, former Assembly Democratic leader from Sylmar. The dinner will benefit the council’s social and interfaith programs. (818) 718-6460, Ext. 3014.
