


17. CASTAIC LAKE--Largemouth bass very active in both reservoirs. Guide Troy Folkestad and Polika Gallagher, Simi Valley, 10-2, 8-0 and 7-0 bass, on crawdads. Jim Allen, Canoga Park, 14-14 bass, on crawdad. Rod Thigpin, Santa Paula, 13-6, 10-9, 8-8 and 8-0 bass, on Stocker Trout lure. Several others. Steve DeRienzo, Palmdale, 15-0 striped bass, on TNT plug.

18. LAKE PIRU--Trout action steady in Cow and San Felicia coves, with Power Bait and night crawlers getting most. Some limits. Trollers doing well with Rapalas, Needlefish and Super Dupers at east end. Largemouth bass picking up, biting in coves on night crawlers and plastic worms. Crappie picking up, biting mostly on red and white jigs in San Felicia Cove and north end.

19. PYRAMID LAKE--Bass bite picking up, with largemouth and smallmouth moving into shallows, biting on plastic worms and waterdogs. Some striped bass taken in channel, most on bloodworms.


20. LAKE CACHUMA--Largemouth bass action fair in Cachuma Bay, biting mostly on spinnerbaits in mornings. Trout action fair for trollers, with most catching one or two per day on Needlefish lures.

21. LAKE CASITAS--Lots of big bass, in shallows and outside. Weekend tournament won with a 12-2 by Brian Mitchell, Ventura, on Castaic Soft Bait. Howard Butler, Oxnard, 10-8 bass, on plastic grubs. Chad Denning, Ventura, 10-0 bass, on Green Weenie lure. Lots in the 5-0 to 9-0 range. Trout action fair at Coyote ramp.

22. CORONA LAKE--Trout bite has slowed because of warmer weather, but some lunkers landed, topped by a 14-8 by Ed Carpenter, West Covina, on Power Bait from float tube at launch ramp. Other species slow.


23. SANTA ANA RIVER LAKES--Sturgeon bite still going strong. James Lee, Anaheim, 32-6 sturgeon, on night crawler dipped in Smelly Jelly at Bubble Hole. Lots of sturgeon in 20-pound class as well. Largest trout, a 15-4 by Randy Mays, Fullerton, on jig at Kids’ Lake.

24. IRVINE LAKE--Most baits and lures working for trout. Largest, a 7-8 by Betty Oliver, Huntington Beach, on green glitter Power Bait at Sierra Cove. Afternoon bite best. Top catch, a 22-8 sturgeon on a night crawler by Ben Stewart, Los Angeles, who hooked up while napping in a boat at Santiago Flats.

25. LAGUNA NIGUEL LAKE--Trout bite has slowed, but some limits recorded. Top fish, an 8-7 by Katie McCutchen, Newport Beach, who hooked up while jigging a gold Kastmaster in deep water at dam. Largemouth bass active in shallows, averaging 2-6 pounds, biting on crankbaits, plastic worms and night crawlers.


26. LAKE SKINNER--Trout biting sporadically at ramp 2 and along south shore. Catfish activity picking up at south end, biting on chicken livers, anchovies and trout-like plugs. Mark Lynn, Winchester, stringer of stripers totaling 39-8, on homemade plug at inlet.

27. LAKE PERRIS--Largemouth bass best bet. Jimmy Shamburger, Moreno Valley, 14-8 bass, on waterdog at dam. Chow Vang, Moreno Valley, 13-8 bass, on crawdad. Several others between 6-10 pounds. Trout fair. Bluegill slow.

28. SAN DIEGO CITY LAKES--Good bass bites in progress at El Capitan, Hodges and San Vicente. All three produced a fish or two over 10-0. Plastic worms, crawdads and crankbaits getting most. Fair bass bite at El Capitan (10-4 bass the largest). Good trout bite at Miramar.

29. LAKE CUYAMACA--Lots of limits of small trout, which are biting on most baits and lures. No noteworthy catches.


The Times accepts and publishes the catch count as a public service. Any responsibility for accuracy is that of the landing operator.

1. SAN SIMEON (Virg’s Landing)--14 anglers (1 boat): 3 lingcod, 72 red snapper, 73 red rock cod, 12 golden eye, 1 cow cod.


2. MORRO BAY (Bob’s Sportfishing)--6 anglers (1 boat): 1 lingcod, 60 red rock cod, 30 assorted rockfish.

5. VENTURA (Harbor Village)--19 anglers (1 boats): 140 rockfish, 20 red snapper, 10 whitefish, 5 sculpin, 1 lingcod, 8 sheephead.

6. OXNARD (Cisco’s)--34 anglers (2 boats): 1 calico bass, 2 halibut, 1 lingcod, 28 red snapper, 221 rockfish, 3 sand bass, 2 sculpin, 10 sheephead, 48 whitefish, 5 black sea bass (released).

8. MARINA DEL REY--72 anglers (3 boats): 11 halibut, 10 sand bass, 8 sole, 2 calico bass, 67 sculpin. (In-Seine Sportfishing)--32 anglers (2 boats): 2 halibut, 8 sand bass, 200 mackerel.

9. REDONDO--53 anglers (3 boats): 1 calico bass, 45 sand bass, 18 halibut, 36 white croaker, 3 sole, 4 sculpin.

10. SAN PEDRO (L.A. Harbor Sportfishing)--59 anglers (3 boats): 40 yellowtail, 107 calico bass, 105 whitefish, 110 bonito, 207 perch, 20 red snapper, 45 sculpin, 55 rockfish, 8 sargo, 1 lingcod. (22nd St. Landing)--31 anglers (2 boats): 9 yellowtail, 65 calico bass, 6 bonito, 7 whitefish, 42 sheephead, 151 blue perch, 31 rockfish, 4 sargo.


11. LONG BEACH--51 anglers (4 boats): 28 calico bass, 15 white sea bass, 2 halibut, 3 whitefish, 20 sheephead, 62 perch, 12 rockfish, 15 sargo. (Belmont Pier)--8 anglers (1 boat): 10 red snapper, 85 rockfish, 5 sculpin, 50 sole, 10 whitefish.

12. SEAL BEACH--23 anglers (1 boat): 21 whitefish, 5 sheephead, 10 perch, 197 rockfish, 53 red snapper.

13. NEWPORT BEACH (Newport Landing)--11 anglers (1 boat): 2 sand bass, 26 sculpin, 30 mackerel, 1 sole.

14. DANA WHARF--16 anglers (2 boats): 16 blue perch, 5 calico bass, 23 sand bass, 2 halibut, 1 sculpin.

15. OCEANSIDE (Helgren’s)--37 anglers (2 boats): 3 calico bass, 46 sand bass, 2 halibut, 81 sculpin, 133 rockfish, 41 whitefish, 8 blue perch.

16. SAN DIEGO (Seaforth)--46 anglers (3 boats): 1 barracuda, 3 calico bass, 133 rockfish, 25 mackerel, 34 sculpin. (Islandia)--53 anglers (2 half-day boats and 1 three-quarter day boat): 1 calico bass, 30 white croaker, 148 sculpin, 84 rock cod, 1 lingcod.



LOS ANGELES--Balboa Park Lake, Big Rock Creek, Castaic Lake and lagoon, Elizabeth Lake, Jackson Lake, Little Rock Creek, Little Rock Reservoir, Piru Creek (Frenchman’s Flat). RIVERSIDE--Lake Hemet, Lake Perris. SAN BERNARDINO--Lytle Creek (Middle and North forks), Mill Creek, Mojave Narrows Park Lake, Prado Park Lake. SAN DIEGO--Chollas Park Lake, Doane Pond, San Luis Rey Creek, Sweetwater Creek. SANTA BARBARA--Lake Cachuma, Davey Brown Creek, Manzana Creek, Santa Margarita Lake, Santa Ynez River. IMPERIAL--Sunbeam Lake, Weist Lake. VENTURA--Lake Casitas, Matilija Creek, Lake Piru, Rancho Simi Park Lake, Rose Valley Lake, Santa Paula Creek, Upper Sespe Creek, Ventura River (North Fork). INYO--Cottonwood Creek, Diaz Lake, George Creek, Independence Creek, Lone Pine Creek, Owens River (Laws Bridge downstream to Steward Lane), Pleasant Valley Reservoir, Tuttle Creek, Symms Creek. SAN LUIS OBISPO--Atascadero Lake, Lake Lopez.
