
Council Fails to Pick Acting City Manager

Inglewood residents still do not know who will take over the city manager’s job when Paul Eckles leaves April 1. The City Council met in executive session Tuesday night, but after two hours behind closed doors, the council members made no decision about whom to name as acting city manager.

Eckles is leaving after serving as Inglewood’s city manager for 21 years. He said he planned to retire from his $207,000 a year job last year but stayed on to negotiate a deal to build an arena for the Kings hockey team and Lakers basketball team. The teams now play at the Forum in Inglewood, but efforts are underway for them to move to a new home that would be built in downtown Los Angeles.

Eckles announced his resignation days before the city’s police chief, Oliver Thompson, left after five years as head of the department.


The City Council may discuss naming an interim city manager at Tuesday’s City Council meeting.
