
Sign’s Good Turns Surpass Bad, DOT Says


Dear Traffic Talk:

More than a year ago I noticed that a “No Right Turn Between 7 and 9 a.m.” sign had been posted at Orion Avenue and Sherman Way in Van Nuys.

I was amazed by this action since my children attend the Sunflower Montessori school, which is at this same corner inside the St. Andrew’s Church building--which has a sole entrance on Orion.

I called Los Angeles Councilman Marvin Braude’s office and one of his deputies assured me that no mistake had been made.


They said the councilman had requested the sign after local residents complained of traffic in their neighborhood.

I was also told that, since I could no longer make the turn from Sherman Way onto Orion, I would now need to circle the block of Sepulveda and drive through this same neighborhood to make my way to school.

Of course, I was quick to point out the irony of now being required to drive through the neighborhood, creating traffic, but was assured that the sign would not come down.


I cannot imagine that requiring parents to drive around and through this block is accomplishing the purpose originally intended.

In the names of logic and fuel conservation, cannot this sign come down?

Don Edwards

Sherman Oaks

Dear Don:

The Los Angeles Department of Transportation has reviewed how the sign was put in place and the request to have it removed, according to authorities.

The sign will remain, said Irwin Chodash, an engineer at the East Valley District office.

The sign was installed at the request of citizens in the community who signed a petition, authorities said. The petition was processed through the councilman’s office and action was taken by the Department of Transportation.


The sign is intended to prevent usage of Orion Avenue by through traffic as a morning and evening peak-hour bypass through the residential neighborhood, Chodash said.

Dear Traffic Talk:

My letter is about north- and southbound carpool lanes on the San Diego Freeway from San Fernando Mission Boulevard to about the Ventura Freeway interchange.

There are not enough opportunities to get off the carpool lane once you enter it. My exit is Nordhoff Street.

I understand that the double yellow lines cannot be crossed either to enter or exit the lanes, although I have seen autos illegally crossing over them.

Does Caltrans have any plans to build additional on- and offramps soon?

Leonard Bloom

North Hills

Dear Leonard:

Engineers designed the original on- and offramps on the San Diego Freeway primarily to give commuters access to the Golden State, Ventura and Ronald Reagan freeways, according to authorities.

Engineers are in the process of evaluating whether to add an additional break on the northbound stretch between the Ventura and the 118 freeways, said Pat Reid, a Caltrans spokeswoman.


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