
Forum to Focus on Risks to Youths

Thousand Oaks police and the Ventura County Sheriff’s Department will host a forum next week to educate parents on the potential risks for youths in Ventura County.

The March 20 forum, scheduled to begin at 7 p.m., will feature community speakers who will address drug and alcohol abuse, gang influence, peer pressure, denial and the community resources available.

Several county social service agencies like Interface Children Family Services, the County Alcohol and Drug Outpatient Treatment Program and the Conejo Recreation and Park District’s Youth Outreach Program are expected to attend.


A local parent will also discuss how her child became involved with drugs.

The free program will also be presented in Spanish. The forum will be held at 2101 E. Olsen Road, Thousand Oaks.

For more information, call 494-8297.
