
Sheriff’s Helicopter Will Be on Display

Curious shoppers can get up close and personal with a Ventura County Sheriff’s Department rescue helicopter to be displayed at The Oaks mall in Thousand Oaks the weekend of March 22.

Sheriff’s helicopter No. 5 and its crew of pilots, paramedics and rescue personnel will be on hand for a show-and-tell, said Sheriff’s Department pilot Dave Nadon.

“These kind of static displays give people an opportunity to see what we do,” said Nadon, a 16-year veteran of the department’s aviation unit.


The crews will also give demonstrations on water safety, with special emphasis on educating children about the dangers of flood control channels and local creeks--a local concern since 11-year-old Joel Burchfield drowned in the storm-swollen Arroyo Simi a year ago.

Since Joel’s death, the Sheriff’s Department search and rescue team has distributed more than 800 copies of a videotape on water safety to schools throughout Ventura County.
