
Player Makes Point Using Former Player

It’s not often life provides a perfect example, but golf legend Gary Player found one seated right in front of him Monday at the Director’s Breakfast for the Toshiba Senior Classic, which starts Friday at Newport Beach Country Club.

Player was speaking about his love for various sports but lamenting that many can’t be played well for much of one’s life.

Player spotted former Ram quarterback Vince Ferragamo in the audience and asked him how old he was when he retired. Ferragamo answered, “32,” and Player said, “At 32 in golf I believe you are just getting near your prime, which is about 34.”


Player, a native of South Africa who is also a fitness expert, is 61 and admittedly well past his prime but looks as healthy as ever. Player also runs a sports equipment company, a golf course design company, a large ranch in South Africa and a school.

He was giving a talk on his 10 commandments for business Monday, but spent much of the time relating his experiences playing golf all over the world.

Among his tips: “Everything in business is negotiable except quality. Persistence and common sense are more important than intelligence,” and “there is no substitute for personal contact.”


To prove his final point, Player talked about how excited he was that he was going to play in Monday’s Celebrity Pro-Am as well as the one held Wednesday and Thursday because it meant he was going to get the chance to meet more people.

Player also told a story about a recent visit Jack Nicklaus made to his ranch. Player showed Nicklaus a check he had on the wall from a 1957 tournament in which he finished 16th. The prize money was $26.

“It’s a good reminder,” Player said. “We need to be reminded how fortunate and blessed we are if we have clothes, three meals a day and a place to sleep. . . . Many don’t realize what an incredible country you have. You should wake up every morning and kiss the floor for all you have.”



Player on Tiger Woods: The two have played practice rounds at the Masters and the British Open: “He is phenomenal and a bit of fresh air for the game of golf. America hasn’t had a real superstar since Tom Watson and I think he is America’s next superstar.”


Accidents will happen: Last year’s Toshiba event holds a special memory for Player, but one he’d just as soon not have. During Saturday’s round, Player hit the wrong ball for the first time in his career.

He and Jerry McGee hit similar drives on the uphill second hole and Player’s caddie took him to the wrong ball.

“I wear contacts so I can see far,” Player said, “but I can’t see things close . . . But that happens. We wouldn’t be human if we didn’t make mistakes. I told [my caddie] not to worry about it. People are always too critical of people who make mistakes.”


Shootout canceled: This is only the third year of the event but an unfortunate tradition has been established. For the second year in a row the shootout was canceled because of the lack of a sponsor, tournament director Stephen Wagner said.

The nine-hole shootout had been scheduled this morning. The free youth clinic is still on at 3 p.m.
