
Term Limit Proposal for Boards on Agenda

A proposal to set term limits for members of the city’s boards and commissions will be a topic for discussion at tonight’s City Council session.

Board and commission members serve at the pleasure of the council, and there is no time limit on how long they may do so.

City Clerk Leonora Sohl said a panel made up of of department heads, Mayor Tom Daly and Councilman Bob Zemel met twice in February to propose limiting those who serve on boards and committees to two consecutive four-year terms so that more residents can have an opportunity to participate.


Sohl said the revised policy would allow current members who have already served two consecutive terms to finish their time in office.

Separately, the council is set to consider approval of requests for funding from federal grants.

For fiscal 1997-98, the city will receive about $6.2 million in grants, including $4.7 million in community development block grants, $1.3 million for affordable housing projects and $126,000 in emergency shelter funds.


The council will meet at 5 p.m. in chambers, 200 S. Anaheim Blvd. Information: (714) 254-5166.
