
Opportunities to Volunteer

Jolene’s Horse Rescue, 7535 Valley Sage Road, Acton, needs volunteer carpenters, painters, electricians, fund-raisers, marketing experts and horse exercisers for its new property, where 32 horses, rescued from neglect, are being kept. Veterinarian help is also needed as well as donations of wheelbarrows, plywood, paint and a pickup truck. Call (805) 268-8996.

Jewish Elder-Care Corps, sponsored by Jewish Family Service of Los Angeles, needs volunteers to visit senior citizens of all faiths in nursing homes and residential facilities. Call (818) 318-3996.

The volunteering network doingsomething is looking for help with a variety of projects at area agencies and charities. Activities include walking dogs, cleaning and maintaining trails in Woodland Hills, escorting seniors in wheelchairs and assisting at an auction to help people with AIDS and other life-threatening diseases. Call the doingsomething hotline at (310) 391-3907.
