
High-Schoolers May Take CSUN Classes

A Cal State Northridge program that offers eligible high school juniors and seniors an early taste of college life will accept applications for the fall 1997 semester until April 1, CSUN officials said.

Students interested in enrolling in the Step to College program must have a minimum 3.0 grade point average and a written recommendation from their school principal or college advisor, said Ellen Small, CSUN admissions advisor.

Those who are accepted can choose from a wide selection of lower-division courses at CSUN, Small said, enabling them to earn college credits before they graduate from high school.


“No one [at CSUN] knows that they are in high school except themselves and whoever they tell. They are not labeled in any way,” Small said. “They are definitely in the university. If they don’t make the grades, their college transcripts will reflect that.”

Under the program, the Los Angeles Unified School District pays for registration fees, while the students are responsible for books, laboratory fees, parking and other costs.

Karen Ellis, college counselor at John F. Kennedy High School in Granada Hills, said her school has signed up 16 students so far for the fall semester, its highest total in more than 15 years of involvement in the program. In the past, Kennedy students have taken courses on psychology, astronomy, political science and physics, among others, she said.


“I definitely encourage students to do this,” Ellis said.

“It gives them a boost for their college careers, and it’s really a unique opportunity to find out what a university is all about.”

Those interested in applying should contact their high school college counselor or principal to receive a registration packet, Small said.

No applications will be accepted after the April 1 deadline.
