
Good News, Over the Counter

The finding is preliminary, but exciting. Persons who take some anti-inflammatory drugs, like ibuprofen, may significantly reduce their risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease. That’s the inference drawn from a long-term study of aging sponsored by the National Institute on Aging and conducted by Johns Hopkins University. Study participants who used non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs were found to have lowered their risk of Alzheimer’s by 35% to 60%, with the reduction greatest for those who took the drugs for more than two years.

This does not mean, researchers emphasize, that everyone should start popping ibuprofen, which can cause gastric bleeding and kidney damage. What’s needed next are controlled clinical trials to specifically study the drugs’ relation to Alzheimer’s.

If a preventive link is found, it will be further evidence that effective health measures don’t have to be expensive and complex. Vitamin E seems to help prevent heart disease and maybe some cancers. The myriad phytochemicals in fruits and vegetables may be marvelously useful in disease prevention. Good old cheap aspirin is known to reduce the risks of heart attack and strokes. Maybe, before long, the scourge of Alzheimer’s will be greatly controlled by an over-the-counter remedy.
