
Gentlemen of Style and of Substance

The event: The 19th Annual Gentlemen’s Haberdashery, a fashion show with movers and shakers serving as models, to benefit the Heart of Jesus Retreat Center in Santa Ana. Throughout the year, the center hosts about 17,000 children of all faiths for a day of reflection.

Walking the plank: With fashion coordinator Kitty Leslie and KTLA-TV sportscaster Ed Arnold providing the commentary, 60 men strode, shuffled and sashayed their way down the ramp at the Hyatt Regency Irvine on Thursday.

About 400 guests whooped and wolf-whistled as the would-be GQ models sported the latest menswear from Fashion Island Newport Beach--from black leather biker attire to sophisticated suits. The biggest crowd pleasers: Msgr. Paul Martin of Mission San Juan Capistrano and Father Steve Sallot of Mater Dei High School, who wore shorts as they “paddled” a kayak down the runway.


On the bench: A panel of judges, headed by Emma Jane Riley and Melinda Moiso, bestowed such dubious honors on the models as: “the man most likely to try to buy the Hall of Fame” (Domenick Roppolo) and “the most irrelevant member of the Hall of Fame” (Paul Salata).

Tina Schafnitz, who also served on the panel, said: “We’re not judging the men on looks; we’re judging on their hearts--what they give to the community.”

Good sports: Among the sports personalities turned catwalkers were former UCLA coach Terry Donahue and his brother, Dan; Angels veteran Doug DeCinces; George Yardley, newly inducted to the Basketball Hall of Fame; Rich Saul, pro bowler; Chris Duplanty of the U.S. Olympic water polo team; and Sammy Lee, multiple gold medalist for diving in the 1948 and 1952 Olympic games.


Lee, who modeled golf togs, said he started playing the links a few years ago: “It’s the most frustrating sport I ever took up.”

Bottom line: The show was expected to net about $100,000 for the retreat center’s operating costs. The Santa Ana center is owned and operated by the Sisters of the Society Devoted to the Sacred Heart.

Quote: “We’ve seen how children were revived and kept away from gangs and despair” after visiting the retreat center, said Sister Ida Peterfy.


Other faces: George O’Connell, master of ceremonies; Anthony Moiso, haberdashery co-chair; Roland Osgood and son Matt; former O.C. supervisor Thomas F. Riley; Bjorn Sedleniek; Antonio Cagnolo; John Martin and his son Tom; Michael Brandman and his son Jason; Michael Hayde; Jim McNamara; Richard Hunsaker; Mary Ann Schulte; Peter and Mary Muth; and Roger Schnapp.

What’s ahead: To make it possible for more children to attend the retreats, the sisters have launched a sponsor-a-child campaign (a $50 contribution). For information: (714) 557-4538.
