
60 Ships to Sail From Hong Kong to Osaka

To see a tall ship gliding by is to slip back in history, and visitors to Hong Kong or Japan this spring will have an opportunity to get a taste of bygone days.

On March 28, 16 tall ships and 44 smaller ones (a mix of modern yachts and older vessels) will set sail for five weeks of racing from Hong Kong to the southern Japanese port of Osaka--the first tall ship race between those two sites.

In related events, Hong Kong will host a waterfront carnival March 22 and 23, a maritime history exhibit March 23 through 31 and a colorful “Parade of Sail” March 28, just before the race.


Crews from 17 countries and Hong Kong will compete in one race, ending at the Japanese island of Okinawa. From there, the ships will sail together to regroup for a second race, from Kagoshima to Osaka. A festival April 29 through May 5 will greet the arriving ships at the end of their 1,450-nautical-mile voyage. Tourists will be able to board the ships at all four ports.

For general information on “Sail Osaka ‘97,” contact Sail Osaka ’97 Secretariat; telephone 011-81-6-577-4070, fax: 011-81-6-572-9382.
