
Voters Must Pass Proposition M

* In June, the voters within the Ventura Unified School District will have the opportunity to show support for our schools by voting for Proposition M, the $51-million bond issue to build three new schools and to repair and update existing ones, and to replace old portables.

We have excellent schools due to having a board of education which makes wise decisions based on sound recommendations by administrators who are well trained in the learning processes and who are also good fiscal managers. They are backed by a staff of dedicated classroom teachers.

If we define “good schools” as having good instruction and good learning by our students, we indeed have “good schools.” If we include the housing where learning takes place in the definition of “good schools,” then we had better have a long, second look.


All reasonable people within the district should actively encourage friends, neighbors and relatives to vote in favor of passing this proposition by more than the two-thirds majority required by law. Our present and future students need and deserve this. As a community we need the passage of Proposition M.


